Blog Post 8- The Rise of Fake news


What is fake news? In my opinion it is news that is spread to seem real but spreads lies to many people who believe them because it is made to seem true. In today's digital age, fake news has become a major concern for people across the globe. With the rise of the internet and social media, the spread of misinformation and disinformation has become increasingly rampant. Fake news refers to false information that is presented as factual news. It can be created intentionally or unintentionally and can have serious consequences. Check out this video on what fake news is to further understand it.

To begin, fake news has been weaponized by various actors for political, financial, and social gains. It has been used to influence public opinion, create chaos, and undermine democratic institutions. In recent years, fake news has been used to manipulate election results, create unrest, and even incite violence. The weaponization of fake news has made it a powerful tool for those who seek to exploit it for their own purposes. As well, it has made our world more untrusting and violent in the way that we see the world and treat others within it. Please look into this CBC article to understand the various fake news websites out there.


This leads to my next point of fake news being satirical, meaning that it is a form of satire. These websites present news in a humorous or satirical manner, they’re not intended to be taken seriously and are misleading to many that do not understand the humor behind them. Articles and headlines can be taken out of context and spread news, leading to confusion and misinformation/disinformation. To get a batter idea of this check out the University of Toronto's article "Satire vs Fake News".

Even though we can explain the idea of fake news it is genuinely hard to determine what news is real and what is not, through Comm 2F00 I learned a lot about how to identify it so let me share some tips. 1. Check its sources and make sure they’re reputable 2. Check the author 3. Fact check the information or cross reference 4. Check the date and make sure it is not outdated 5. Look for biases. These little tricks will help you seek out what is real or fake in a perpetually information centered world. 

How to spot fake new infographic. Full text is below, under the heading: How to spot fake news in eight simple steps.

Moving on to another aspect of fake news, disinformation is a huge part of fake news and the spread of false information. Disinformation is often used to discredit opponents or manipulate public opinion. This can have serious consequences as it can lead to the spread of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and more. 

As we begin to understand fake news we need to question why people do this? Creating false stories about people, places, ideas, and more, What are their motivations? In my opinion the motivations behind fake news creators can vary. Some create fake news for financial gain, others for political reasons, and some for social reasons. The You tube video entitled "Fake news. It's your fault" is something to look into if you want to understand why fake news spreads so rapidly in our digital society.

Fake news can generate clicks, views, and ad revenue for websites, making it a profitable business. It can also be used to spread propaganda and manipulate public opinion. Additionally, some people create fake news to cause chaos or confusion, or to express their own political or social views. In today's world we have to understand that people want to create issues for their own traction and gain online. Check out this video entitled "inside the fake news factory of Macedonia" to understand why this happens so often.

Inside the Macedonian Fake-News Complex | WIRED 

  Fake news is a serious problem that can have far-reaching consequences. It is important to be aware of the weaponization of fake news and to be able to identify it. By fact-checking, verifying sources, and being aware of biases, we can help combat the spread of fake news. By working together, we can help protect our democracy and ensure that the news we consume is accurate and reliable. Overall, we must learn about the internet to prevent its impact on our lives. Please tune into next weeks blog and look through the sources like videos and articles throughout this blog to further understand the topics spoken about today.


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